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EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) — The City of El Paso submitted a total request of $40.2 million in federal funds for operations related to migrants, said… Update: In a briefing Tuesday, the White Houses says the active duty troops will not be performing law enforcement tasks or directly interact with… EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) — The City of El Paso submitted a total request of $40.2 million in federal funds for operations related to migrants, said… We’re pretty used to familiar faces leaving the El Paso airwaves every couple of years. In the news business, the El Paso market is a well-known stepping stone. KVIA-TV FCC Public File | FCC Applications | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Community Guidelines | EL PASO, Texas (KVIA) — The City of El Paso submitted a total request of $40.2 million in federal funds for operations related to migrants, said…
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